The Russians Are NOT Coming, Again

Granted, they look scary, especially on the battlefield. But they are lousy at US presidential politics.

Once you notice it, it drives you nuts. Every single news story about how the Russians are interfering with our 2020 election, or for that matter how they interfered with our 2016 election, shouts about what they plan to do, or attempted to do, or hope to do, or what someone fears they will do. You are not likely to see a single account of what they actually accomplished in 2016, or what they are actually capable of doing in 2020. 

There’s a reason for that. 

Moreover, dig just a little bit into the fables about Russian machinations worldwide — the poisoning of the Skripals in Britain, of the Russian opposition leader in Russia, the “bounties” offered for US soldiers in Afghanistan — and what you find, without exception, is an illogical, ignorant lash up that cannot withstand the simplest of logical questions. 

There’s a reason for that, too. Continue reading