Customer Service: A Cookbook

Another victim of “customer service.”

Just about every large organization in this country, from retail companies to medical practices, has constructed an elaborate automated procedure that they call customer service. It is misnamed. Almost without exception, “customer service” is in reality  corporate service, designed to enhance the convenience of the business, not the customer, and to make sure no corporate employee has to actually talk with a customer, let alone a pissed-off customer. 

No organization hires enough people to handle the easily predictable volume of customer calls, so the first thing that happens when you finally have to call is, you get put on hold. Tinny, upbeat digital music blasts in your ear, and every 30 seconds a very enthusiastic recording reminds you that “we care about your call.” Just not enough to answer it. It will be answered, says the voice that sounds like it is on some spectacular controlled substance, “In the order in which it was received,” Years have passed since I first heard that formulation, and I still do not know what it means. Are some calls in disorder when received? Continue reading

Reality Strikes

Facing aging can bring about various challenges, from fine lines and wrinkles to spider veins and sagging skin. However, with the right approach, it’s possible to address these issues effectively and maintain a youthful appearance for longer.

One of the key strategies for combating aging problems is to prioritize skincare. A consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using products with ingredients like retinol and hyaluronic acid can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improve skin texture and hydration.

In addition to skincare, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits can also make a significant difference in addressing aging concerns. Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins can help support skin health and overall well-being. Regular exercise can improve circulation and skin tone, while staying hydrated helps maintain skin elasticity. This is also the best time to look into supplements like nutritional supplements in Evanston, IL for your overall health.

When it comes to specific aging concerns like spider veins and sagging skin, seeking professional treatment via experts like this medspa in Carlsbad, CA or Chicago Aesthetic Surgery Institute may be necessary. Options such as sclerotherapy such as varicose vein treatment in Greenville, SC, lymphedema management, or laser therapy can effectively reduce the appearance of spider veins, while procedures like radiofrequency skin tightening or dermal fillers can help tighten and rejuvenate sagging skin.

It’s also important to prioritize self-care and mental well-being when facing aging problems. Practicing stress-relief techniques like meditation or yoga can help manage stress, which can contribute to premature aging. Surrounding oneself with supportive relationships and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can also positively impact overall health and appearance. Visit sites like to consult experts that can help.

Ultimately, facing aging problems requires a multifaceted approach that combines skincare, healthy lifestyle habits, professional treatments, and self-care practices. By taking proactive steps to address aging concerns, individuals can maintain a youthful appearance and feel confident at any age.

Let’s Think Positive About 2020

Enough, already, from us “nattering nabobs of negativity,” as we were branded by a distinguished vice president of the United States shortly before he resigned his office to avoid prison (Agnew). If you can’t say something good about a year, you may be right, but jeez, we have to at least try. It’s the season and all. So let’s review some of the good things that happened in 2020. 

There was, in this country and many others, a significant reduction in pollution in 2020, including in the emissions of greenhouse gasses. The air in many of the world’s most polluted cities became noticeably clearer and measurably more healthy. The change was sufficient to suggest a slight brake on the progress of global climate change, the first such in modern history. 

Alas, it was not a stalwart populace rising at last to face a difficult enemy, it was a reluctant populace trying to face down a different enemy, the coronavirus pandemic. Restrictions on gatherings, dining out, bar hopping, travel and business in general reduced industrial activity enough to improve the environment. Whenever and wherever the restrictions were eased the activity resumed and the environment went back in the tank.  Continue reading

Pregnancy Resources

In modern times, the journey to pregnancy has evolved significantly due to advancements in technology, changes in societal norms, and increased awareness about reproductive health. While conceiving a child remains a natural process, many individuals and couples now have access to a plethora of resources and options to enhance their chances of starting a family. Here’s a closer look at getting pregnant in the modern era:

Education and Awareness: Unlike previous generations, individuals today have access to a wealth of information about reproductive health and fertility. From online resources to educational campaigns and fertility clinics, there are numerous avenues for learning about the factors that affect fertility and conception. This increased awareness empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and seek assistance if needed.

Technological Advancements: One of the most significant changes in modern pregnancy is the role of technology in assisted reproductive techniques. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), have revolutionized the way many people conceive children. These techniques offer hope to individuals and couples facing infertility issues by providing alternative methods for achieving pregnancy.

Fertility Tracking Apps: With the rise of smartphone technology, fertility tracking apps have become increasingly popular among those trying to conceive. These apps allow users to monitor their menstrual cycles, track ovulation, and identify fertile days with greater accuracy. By leveraging technology, individuals can optimize their chances of conceiving by timing intercourse during their most fertile window.

Alternative Family-Building Options: In addition to traditional methods of conception, modern times have seen a rise in alternative family-building options. Adoption, surrogacy, and donor conception are viable alternatives for individuals and couples who are unable to conceive naturally or prefer alternative routes to parenthood. These options offer a pathway to parenthood for individuals of all backgrounds and circumstances. Visit sites like to know more about pregnancy.

Focus on Wellness and Lifestyle Factors: Recognizing the impact of lifestyle factors on fertility, many individuals are taking proactive steps to optimize their reproductive health. This includes maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, and avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco and excessive alcohol. By prioritizing wellness, individuals can improve their overall health and increase their chances of conceiving.

Supportive Communities: The internet has facilitated the creation of online communities and support groups for individuals struggling with infertility or seeking guidance on the journey to parenthood. These communities provide a space for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and find support from others who are facing similar challenges. The sense of camaraderie and understanding offered by these communities can be invaluable during what can often be a challenging and emotional time.

In conclusion, getting pregnant in modern times is characterized by a combination of technological advancements, increased awareness, and a focus on holistic wellness. From assisted reproductive technologies to fertility tracking apps and alternative family-building options, individuals today have more tools and resources than ever before to help them achieve their dream of starting a family. With support from healthcare professionals, online communities, and loved ones, the journey to parenthood can be navigated with confidence and optimism.

Don’t Simplify the Civil War. It was Complicated.

As someone who spent a decade researching and writing about the Civil War,* I am distressed when it is discussed, in what passes for civil discourse these days, as if it were a simplistic comic-book story with superheroes on one side, arch villains on the other, nothing in between, nothing to think about here.

Perhaps you will not agree with me that to understand a civil war, or any war, one must go beyond the reasons given by the leaders who initiated it. (If you do not, you must then believe we went to war in Iraq to save the world from Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, and I wish you well.) If you believe that thousands of young men in Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and such states voluntarily (at the beginning of the war, the draft came later) left their homes, flocked to their county seats, elected their colonels and marched south hundreds of miles to fight and die only in order to abolish slavery, then I have a slightly used bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. If you believe that Confederate soldiers on the verge of starvation, ill-equipped and -supplied in the face of the Union’s overwhelming strategic advantages, fought on past all expectations only because they wanted to preserve slavery, then the price for that bridge just went up. 

Those who oversimplify the past are condemned to repeat it, because they oversimplify the present, too, and haven’t a clue about what’s going on around them. Let me bring up a few things other than slavery that we must be aware of if we want to grasp what happened to this country in the 1860s. Before it happens again. Continue reading

New Rules for Old Words in 2020

In this country, no one is above the lexicon laws. And I say what the laws are. Well. On this blog, anyway. And I have decreed some new lexicon laws for 2020. They apply to anyone who discusses politics henceforth, and all fines are tripled for those who get paid to talk politics on cable TV — now about one quarter of the adult population. 

The following words and phrases are banned, and shall no longer be uttered:

    • Electability. This is not a thing, it does not exist. To say someone is electable is like saying they live a charmed life, just before they get run over by a truck. The person said to have the most electability in the civilized world in 2016 was Hillary, and the man with the least was the Donald. The only way to know if a person is electable is to count the votes, after which the person is either elected, or not.  Never speak this word again.

Continue reading

Invasion of the Zombie Books

A book does not have to be about zombies to be a zombie book. Let me explain.

Okay, this probably has nothing to do with the crash of the industrial age, but it sure has something to do with the rot in our culture. I refer to the practice of book publishers who bring a long-dead best-selling author partially back to life by hiring someone to keep writing in the style of the deceased, so they can keep the cash registers going ka-chink. The book stores and sites are stuffed with “Robert B. Parker’s” new Spencer novels and “Tom Clamcy’s” latest military-industrial-complex romps, despite the fact that both men have long gone to their reward. 

Of course there’s nothing new about publishers and writers trying to guarantee bestsellerdom in advance. They want all book sales to be way above normal. I had several college friends in English Lit who analyzed best sellers — number of pages, number of sex scenes, number of pages between sex scenes, length of car chases, etc. — in order to design a best-seller template. Oddly I have never seen any of their names on any best-seller list.  Continue reading

Five Things You Should Definitely Not Think About Today

The only rational response to some of the crap that’s going on.

News outlets have been most helpful lately in distilling the day’s news budget into such features as “Five things you should know today in order to appear smarter than your co-workers at the coffee machine.” But this is a trivial ambition. Being able to quote verbatim the latest unhinged sentence fragments from Mad King Donald might give you a temporary sugar high, but what good does it do, really?

We do not need our attention directed to the things that are happening around us, but away from them. We need a filter, a sort of Faraday cage to keep out ENPs — extraneous news pulses. Instead of climbing in a cage, which would work but is not practical, we have to train ourselves in a basic self-defense exercise: clamping both hands over our ears and screaming WA-WA-WA until the would-be informant gives up. (If it’s a written piece, simply turn away and stare at a blank wall until it’s gone.) Continue reading

The Dopamine Hypothesis

Since he’s coming anyway, perhaps we should just take something and enjoy the visit? Oh. Never mind.

The euphoria of the dying is well known but little understood. Stories abound of people who have been languishing toward oblivion but just before the end rally briefly with a burst of energy and optimism that astonishes their families. It has been proposed, although whether with any scientific credibility or not I do not know, that when the organism comprehends its imminent extinction it floods itself with dopamine, buoying the mood of the dying. It has also been speculated that people facing violent death, in a plane going down, for example, or at the hands of a murderer, are anesthetized by the dopamine rush and experience their final seconds as a kind of peaceful lark.

I don’t know if this dopamine hypothesis is valid, but it is comforting to believe it, whether we are contemplating our own end or that of a loved one. Taking the suffering out of the equation, once the end is at hand, would be, to say the least, helpful. As Shakespeare said in a slightly different context, it would be a consummation devoutly to be wished.

I am wondering if the same thing happens when a civilization, say for example western industrial civilization, reaches its expiration date. How else to explain the irrational exuberance of American consumers, investors, brokers, politicians and Uber drivers as they stride confidently toward what any rational mind can see is imminent destruction. They’ve gotta be on something. Continue reading

Our Comic Book World

No, see, this isn’t right. In the movie, the main characters such as Roger Rabbit were animated fictions, and the rest of the world was real. Now it’s the other way around. (Photo by jbhthescots/Flickr)

A generation ago, a film titled Who Framed Roger Rabbit attracted a lot of attention for portraying cartoon characters playing out their roles in the real world. Now, something more sinister has happened; more and more of us are feeling like human beings living out our lives trapped in a cartoon. Reality seems to have been drained from the world around us, leaving us the only creatures left who are three-dimensional, and bleed.

Everywhere we look, imaginary animation is replacing reality. On our screens, people demonstrate their prevailing mood by leaping and dancing and shrieking with laughter and grinning idiotically — and this is because they got new dishes. Why do you and I never feel or act like that? Because we are real, not the product of sophomoric animators. Continue reading