Next for Planet Earth: Palliative Care

Palliative care, as I understand it, is given to a patient when doctors have given up on finding a cure, or even reversing the progression of the patient’s disease. The purpose of palliative care is to keep the patient as comfortable as possible, by treating the symptoms, while he is circling the drain. No doctor will ever explain it this way, but that is how I understand it.

Several decades ago, Mother Earth’s doctors advised her strongly that if she wished to live long and prosper, she had to cut down on her binge-like consumption of several highly toxic things: fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizer, plastic, toxic “forever chemicals” and the like. She and her caretakers — all volunteers who make their living from fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizer, plastic, etc. — ignored the advice and continued the binging. 

Soon, Mother Earth developed a fever that is steadily getting worse, and began to experience other, more painful symptoms: raging wildfires, supercharged storms, droughts, hot flashes, circulation problems in the oceans and the atmosphere. But she could not stop binging, and her consumption of all the harmful stuff increased. The sicker she got, the richer her caretakers became. 

To this day, her doctors continue to talk about some miraculous cure that could be just around the corner, some unknown treatment that could save her — preferably something simple, like a pill. But they know it’s too late now, and it’s time for palliative care.  

[Can we just step out of this metaphor for a moment to stipulate that we are not talking here about the death of the planet — the planet will be fine, eventually — but the end of the conditions that support the present, overlarge, industrial-based population of humans.]

Palliative care can be quite pleasant, and might last quite a while. It is made tolerable by self-administered drugs (alcohol, marijuana, sleep aids, energy pills, mood enhancers, etc., etc.) and multiple diversions provided by celebrities behaving badly, movies based on comic books, and politicians (a.k.a. the caretakers of the planet) bloviating about other peoples’ sexual preferences and reading habits.

There are some things that would be worth doing to make this period of palliative care more palatable (such as the use of more alliteration). Medicare for all would substantially ease the misery of a sickening population. Demilitarization, and repurposing the assets and personnel of the military-industrial complex to things such as international disaster relief would be a great blessing, not that it could ever happen. 

In the meantime, however, in their chemical fog, preoccupied by pointless arguments, bewildered by blizzards of alternative facts, we the microbes of Mother Earth remain largely oblivious to the fact that she is desperately ill. And will soon be eligible for hospice care (which is basically palliative care with an end date).  

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5 Responses to Next for Planet Earth: Palliative Care

  1. Michael Fretchel says:

    I find it te height of insanity that the so called experts seem to think that we as humans will keep doing what we do minus even reasonably healthy Oceans ,dying forest systems a heating planet and that the only concern about the Artic going ice free is who gets to drill for more fossil fuel first ,its like in the middle of all these horendace things the planet will just shake it off and keep giving us that free rain and oxygen and other life suporting stuff while we keep shooting it in the back,was it Einstein who said that insanity is doing what is very apparently not working well but just keep trying that same thing only harder ? I am just god smacked as to how this is going down.

    • Tom Lewis says:

      You and me both.

      • Roger Eldridge says:

        Telling fat people to quit eating and alcoholics to quit drinking is no different than telling consumers to quit consuming. I retired last year at 70 after 40+ years of work and would like to use my retirement chits for some fun things like bicycle tours abroad, camping road trips to National Parks, and big city cultural excursions. But I would give it all up IF leadership got serious about rich people austerity. As in setting a good example. But I think we can now see the outlines of the plan- CBDCs to disenfranchise and impoverish the masses and the goodies for the elites. Tragedy of the Commons writ large.

  2. Kenneth Barrows says:

    See how they decline. I am crying. We are the cancer, goo goo goo joob. But the cancer will die before the host.