Please Excuse Us, We Don’t Feel Very Well.


The information is out there, available to anyone who looks for it. Few look for it. Any writer wanting to sell a story, or any publication wanting to attract eyeballs, is going to stay away from this subject as one of the many that are just too damn disturbing. It’s disturbing to know a tornado is bearing down on our house, too, but it’s information we need to have.

More and more Americans have been getting sick, and sicker, every year for many years. 

  • Cancer, for example, afflicts more people, and especially more younger people, every year. The number of new cases increases every year, more or less in lockstep with the increase in population. And while it’s bad enough that modern medicine, for all its emphasis on cancer, has not been able to significantly reduce its impact, it’s even more disheartening to see the dramatic increases in cancer rates among people under 50 years old.  
  • Heart disease has been the leading killer of Americans since the 1950s. While its rate of infection declined for the ten years before 2020, in that year it increased by 4%, an increase that apparently continues. And a recent study has predicted far more steep increases in heart disease in the coming decades.
  • Life expectancy, which rose steadily to 79 years in 2019, fell to 77 years in 2020 and to 76 in 2021, the largest decline in 100 years.
  • Birth rates have declined sharply in recent years.  The US has the highest maternal mortality during pregnancy and childbirth among all developed countries in the world. US males, like those in every other developed country, are experiencing a sharp and accelerating decline in sperm counts, a measure of their ability to have children. Globally the decline has been over 60% since 2000.
  • The fastest-rising death rate in the US is of deaths of despair — suicide, drug overdoses and alcoholic liver disease. Such deaths have increased between 56% and 387%, depending on the age group, in two decades. 
  • More than three out of four Americans are overweight or obese (one-third are obese) so many that the Armed Services regularly miss their recruitment targets because so many young Americans otherwise eligible for military service are too fat to fight.

If I were a doctor or medical researcher I would be constrained from stipulating  a cause for any one of these conditions and their horrifying trends. More and more people are going to pharmacies like the ones at just to get OTC medicine. For one thing it’s complicated and for another, stipulating a cause would cost some industry a lot of money and we can’t have that. 

I’m just a writer who has been looking into these matters for four decades or so, and no one pays any attention to me, so I can tell you what’s going on here. Industry — the juggernaut that climate-controls our surroundings, provides us with cheap food and fuel and cheap stuff — is killing us. For a hundred years it has been fouling our air, poisoning our soils, polluting our water, degrading our food and making tons of money.

Until the advent of the Reaganauts in the 1980s, our government made some attempts to reign in the worst offenders, but since that time the dogs of capitalism have all slipped their leashes and gone feral — the banks, oil companies, electric utilities, broadcasters, phone companies,  insurance companies, auto manufacturers, drug companies, all of them. 

As a direct result we all live in a thick soup of toxic industrial waste that sickens us and shortens our lives. Industrial money has so locked down our government at all levels that no significant change in this situation is possible, unless and until it collapses utterly (a collapse I believe has already begun). Afterward, enlightened people of good will and high energy will have a chance to build a brave and kind new world.

The question is, of course, how do enlightened people of good will survive the crash?


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