November 3, 2020: Election Day or Execution Day?

It is becoming more difficult every day of this long, hot summer to avoid the possibility that the United States of America may not survive the 2020 presidential election.  The existential threats gathering around us are so numerous and ugly, our governments at all levels are so incompetent, corrupt, and stupid that a critical mind searches in vain for a reason to expect a reasonably good outcome. The stress on our entire society is so extreme that the glue that holds us together, that keeps us civil, is breaking down and when it is gone instead of civil people we might well have civil war. 

I can’t believe I just wrote that. But who could have believed that Donald Trump would have such success in dividing this country against itself? Who would have believed that he could succeed in convincing so many of us that wearing a mask against the coronavirus is a political act, that requiring such masks to be worn is an act of political repression? That alone — his refusal to lead on wearing masks — may well account for most of the unnecessary deaths in this country from COVID-19. Combined with the rabid opposition to vaccinations of any kind by another minority group, the anti-maskers may well prevent this country from getting a handle on the pandemic anytime soon.

This massive, angry distrust of government and science has been encouraged —  some say created — by the president of the United States. Certainly it existed before Trump, for example in the know-nothing campaign to discredit the science of climate change. But it has never before been enabled and encouraged by the president. The harm he has done to our social fabric is unprecedented, immeasurable and perhaps irreparable. 

It seems apparent that a majority of Americans is ready to reject Donald Trump for his incompetence, corruption, racism, misogyny and just plain stupidity. Sensing that, he and his Republican enablers are dismantling the US Postal Service — having read polls that say most voters who intend to vote by mail intend to vote for Biden. And they are proclaiming without a shred of evidence that the election is going to be most fraudulent in history.

The result is going to be an election result that is first delayed, and then doubted by an inflamed minority — whichever way it goes. The losers are going to fight with everything they have to overturn their loss. And if the loser is Trump, as he almost certainly will be, any one who thinks his base’s response will be restrained by decency, long tradition or civic duty, simply hasn’t been watching for the last four years.  

He has QAnon,  the conspiracy-theory cult that believes among other things that all Democrats are pedophiles, child traffickers and cannibals, which sane people have largely dismissed as an object of ridicule. But MSNBC reported last night that journalists and other investigators now believe that over three million Americans belong to QAnon. They are avid Trump supporters, immune to logic, and stand accused of any number of violent plots. Untold ragtag militias stand with Trump, and they have already demonstrated their willingness to shut down legislatures by marching into the chambers brandishing military style weapons. With impunity, by the way. No federal secret police deployed to gas or  throw a net over these guys.

Trump doesn’t have the sense to shut up about the nature of his supporters or their intentions. Way back in March of 2019, a couple of eras ago, Trump spoke about what would happen is anyone gets close to bringing him down: 

“I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.” 

 You couldn’t be clearer than that — the man who thinks he’s king is going to fight — or more accurately, incite others to fight — for his imaginary crown. It may be that the first casualty in that fight will be America herself. 


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21 Responses to November 3, 2020: Election Day or Execution Day?

  1. venuspluto67 says:

    As per his usual, Chris Hedges does a good job of summing up the current dire predicament.

  2. Max-424 says:

    “And if the loser is Trump, as he almost certainly will be … ”

    Up until a couple of days ago I had the race as a coin flip, due to the all the usual suspects, the electoral collage, counting fraud, the Supreme Court, etc., but with the Kamala Harris pick, I now have Trump as a solid favorite.

    Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s clear to me that the Dems are doing everything in their power to lose this thing without making it look too obvious.

    As for civil war, yeah, we’re going have lots of those. The seeds for the total breakdown of American society were planted long ago, and they’re starting bear some of that bitter, forbidden fruit.

    Or delicious forbidden fruit, depending on which one of the sides you’re on.

    Regardless, it’s all leading to a military coup. This is a given where I’m sitting. If the Pentagon wants to remain the world’s alpha dog, in perpetuity, which it does, it will require a functioning, if somewhat sterilized, home base.

    Funny, the biggest unreported news story out there is the US War College study on climate change. The total dissolution of our beloved war machine is less than 20 years away! Unless we do something!

    Giggle. And here we have the unsuspecting Republican Party still playing the official, climate denial game. Hell, we have the entire non-military backroom Beltway establishment committed to climate denial and business as usual.

    Something’s got to give, and soon. And it will.

    • UnhingedBecauseLucid says:

      “Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s clear to me that the Dems are doing everything in their power to lose this thing without making it look too obvious.”]

      The key word here is “too”

      • Max-424 says:

        Exactly. You don’t want to be … obvious!

        I’ve spent a lot of my last 35 years in pool rooms, so I know every hustle there is east of the Mississippi. The foremost one, is called “laying down,” where a never-miss road warrior plays JUST below the level of a local yokel, loses once or twice, and then asks his clueless victim in the politest way imaginable, “I would like a chance to get at least some of my money back, do you think we can up the bet?”

        The Dems remind me so much of our cagey hustler, they’re laying down, the only difference, their intention is to continue cagily laying down until the end of time.

  3. Rebecca Zegstroo says:

    Listening to Kevin Phillips’ 2006 work, American Theocracy, makes clear that mainstream Powers That Be were well aware of the peaking of American oil production in the early 70’s and took measures to counteract it. Mostly they went with military control of world oil and exploiting more expensive to get sources. Success has been limited. So now what? Is all the chaos showing that they don’t know? A deliberate breaking up of the country? Who benefits from that?

    Post WW2 presidents have had strong oil industry connections up until Bush the Younger. So what about Obama & Trump? Power now seems more diffuse – tech, finance, pharmaceuticals, real estate, weapons. What interests does Trump serve?

    • UnhingedBecauseLucid says:

      [“Listening to Kevin Phillips’ 2006 work, American Theocracy, makes clear that mainstream Powers That Be were well aware of the peaking of American oil production in the early 70’s and took measures to counteract it. Mostly they went with military control of world oil and exploiting more expensive to get sources. Success has been limited. So now what? Is all the chaos showing that they don’t know?”]

      They were aware that wells deplete, but not what energy is. The western education system and power structures, compartmentalized as they are, would of course mostly [besides the usual assortment of wealthy individuals] produce political leaders coming out of the Law & Economics domain.
      These people in addition to not knowing that Mankind cannot produce energy but only extract energy that is already present in the environment, are the kind of people to assume that progress in knowledge and technology is a limitless freakin’ piñata.

      Overtime,some must have become aware, but couldn’t handle the truth.
      Eventually, most of the leading class came to believe their own lie. And then their kids too … and so the ‘silent lie’ prevailed.
      Trump is a hapless fevered ego who stumbled there as a consequence of a power trip game gone wrong. Trump will serve his ego and the will of his handlers as long as they pet him right.

      • Rebecca Zegstroo says:

        No one can become president on his own. Republicans in power seem to have mostly fallen in behind him. The silent lie is corroding their minds. I see flailing and grasping as the economy continues to shrink no matter how much “money” is thrown into it.

  4. Greg Knepp says:

    Donald Trump…steal the election, then circle the wagons with a militant cadre of disgruntled police officers, renegade soldiers, and tattooed, beer guzzling road warriors?…I think not.

    I will bring up a parallel to the Trump phenomenon that may be relevant, not from the political spectrum but from the popular arts – Liberace.

    Making good use of the new medium on the block – television – by the early 1950s’ this gifted and hard-driven piano virtuoso had become the highest paid entertainer in the world; a position he would hold well into the 70s’.

    Tens of thousands of star-struck fans – mostly middle-aged and older women – flocked to Liberace’s sold-out concerts in venues around the world. Their husbands, though perhaps perplexed by the entertainer’s hypnotic drawing power, remained largely unmoved; Liberace’s homosexuality had never been in doubt.

    He established his home base in Las Vegas where the glitz and glamour of that berg well suited the increasingly outrageous style of the flamboyant piano man. Big hair, garish suits, a low, common comic touch, and a lifestyle characterized by accoutrements that can only be described as ‘bullshit baroque’ – Such were Liberace’s hallmarks…ring a bell?

    So convinced was Liberace of his glorified position in the culture, that, in 1979, he established ‘The Liberace Museum’ – an institution conceived to memorialize his life well into eternity. He died of AIDS eight years later. The museum went bankrupt shortly thereafter for lack of patronage.

    What happened? – Simple: Liberace’s appeal was as broad as an ocean but as shallow as a mud puddle. His adoring fans used him as an escape mechanism, probably unknowingly. Though competent to a fault, his choices of style and presentation accounted for little more than glitzy carnival fare – fun, but with zero staying power.

    The same might be said of Trump. Even his supporters know he’s lying, and most probably suspect that he’s incompetent as well. Their support displays a heated immediacy that will likely fade quickly if he loses the election. Will they flock to his aid, armed to the teeth, as he plummets in flames? I don’t think so. Consider the attendance at his inauguration – pretty lame. (‘But after, it was drizzling’). And what about the fiasco at the Oklahoma rally – a dismal turn-out. (‘But what if the virus isn’t a hoax after all’). I tell you, mass sedition must be made of sterner stuff!

    Shallow support, shallow supporters, shallow President. Like Liberace, Trump has struck a popular chord and struck it hard, but once his glitzy balloon is punctured, I believe that few will linger to mourn.

    • venuspluto67 says:

      At the very least, Liberace probably would have made a better president! ;-)

      Seriously though, I think trying to stay in power by wrecking the Post Office could be the thing that’s just one bridge too far for Trump.

    • Brutus says:

      I wonder if the comparison to Liberace is original with you. Either way, it’s terrific. A similar comparison was made by Matt Taibbi to “professional” wrestling and the hype it generates out of pure fiction. Two of the terms used jumped out at me: “bullshit baroque” and “heated immediacy.”

      If we do erupt into civil war, I see three initial factions emerging: the Wokesters (who will fold quickly), the militias (not yet unified), and the current holders of power (who have forfeited legitimacy). How long the 2nd group can last when confronted by the overweening power of the 3rd is a good question. Strength of numbers vs. strength of arms. Insurgencies have demonstrated remarkable tenacity in such circumstances, but a good argument can be made that for foreign wars at least, the U.S. would rather perpetuate than win so isn’t really trying hard.

      • Greg Knepp says:

        I imagine others may have made the comparison, but I’ve not encountered it before. But then I’ve always had a fascination with the type – the ‘Circus genre’ I guess you’d call it (I adore TV evangelists).

        “Bullshit baroque” and “heated immediacy’ are also mine. I was feelin’ my oats that day! Thanks for your comment. I do appreciate it.

    • BC_EE says:

      I agreed GK. Trump’s loyalists only extend to his immediate usefulness. As it is for just about any top political figure. As soon as Trump is either a perceived detriment, or is actually a losing proposition for both GOP and supporter base he will be cast into “the dustbin of history” (to borrow a Brit term).

  5. Johanna says:

    What I learned so far through 2020… people are always wearing masks way before the pandemic. Let’s say many are two face. The face mask acts more like a mask peeler than a cover. It peels off people’s true intentions. How ironic but fitting for times.

  6. To put it bluntly
    Refusal to wear a mask
    Bares a blighted soul

  7. wm says:

    In the upcoming election vote against every imcumbent at every level.

    Do Not Make A Selection For President.

    The two parties want total control and are willing to use ANY means at hand. Let the electoral college and the Supreme Court sort it out, that is what they are being paid to do.

    Let the next Potus take that mandate out on the world stage.

  8. wm says:

    Mr apologies to all for the following:

    Mr. Trump did not divide anything. Coup or civil war? You better hope not. The prayers better start now. For every three soldiers killed in battle,in the US civil war, five more died of disease. Roughly 2% of the population got a ride on the train to paradise. That was an agrarian society for the main part. Do the math, 2% of today’s population and then add in starvation.

    People have no idea about modern weapons and what is on the street in the USA.

    Are you prepared to kill at first sight? He who hesitates is lost. Remember if you fight and lose it was not a fair fight.

    Hardened combat veterans versus parper target sharp shooters and bullies who think they are in control. Disciplined, honorable, courageous citizens with a keen sense of duty within a population of whom 42% are obese, have zero self control and limited or no skill set.

    Please, please, please do not even harbor such thoughts. Talk to your neighbor, love your neighbor, out of many one or we will lose everything.

    • Max-424 says:

      “People have no idea about modern weapons and what is on the street in the USA.”

      Yup. Seeing the numbers and firepower of the two antagonistic militias that recently found themselves in close proximity to one other, I couldn’t help but thinking, if these two “units” square off in the wrong place, you could have one hundred casualties in the opening minute, and if one side got the advantage and pressed it, hundreds dead inside of five.

  9. venuspluto67 says:“>The Gerontocracy Strikes Back by Alexander Aston

    • venuspluto67 says:

      Sorry, I did the tag wrong somehow. Oh well, at least there’s a working link there.

      • Max-424 says:

        “On its current trajectory, the American Right will soon believe anyone to the left of Attila the Hun is a far-left radical. Likewise, U.S. liberals will be left haunted and terrified by the spectre of Russian agents stealing their precious bodily fluids.”

        I keep thinking, how far right can we go? Is there actual end to that side of the political spectrum?

        Good read. Thanks for the link.