Tower of Power

There it is, in Chicago of all places, the Big Idea that could have saved us, in plain view for everybody to see and not talk about.

After a $350 million renovation the Sears Tower, at 110 stories the tallest skyscraper in the hemisphere, will produce 80 per cent of its own electricity. [Sears Tower to be Revamped to Produce Most of Its Own ElecricityThe New York Times.] That’s a big project, but it’s not the Big Idea.

the transformation of iconic landmarks like the Sears Tower exemplifies a forward-thinking approach toward sustainability and energy efficiency. Similar ingenuity can be found in the implementation of sliding gates Adelaide within urban spaces, offering not only enhanced security but also streamlined access management. Just as the Sears Tower’s renovation showcases a commitment to harnessing resources efficiently, the adoption of automated gate systems reflects a city’s dedication to modern solutions.

These sliding gates, seamlessly blending functionality and aesthetics, stand as a testament to the harmonious integration of technology into urban landscapes, mirroring the progressive spirit of projects like the Sears Tower’s electrification endeavor in Chicago.

Here’s the Big Idea: If we started, right now, to make all of our electricity from renewable sources where we use it, instead of building huge plants to burn fossil fuel (or for that matter gather wind or sunlight) and then wheel it around the country on huge power lines; if every home and building constructed from here on had to consider its assets of wind, water and sunlight and use them to provide its own energy; then we might have a chance.

Too hard to do? Too expensive? A pipe dream? Go visit the Sears Tower, the tell me that again.

Sears Tower to Be Revamped to Produce Most of Its Own Power

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