About The Daily Impact

This site was launched in November 2010. Posts that are dated earlier than that originally appeared in Brace for Impact, the blog associated with my book of the same name, published in 2009.

This site is a personal enterprise, having no connection with any other company or organization.

For more information about my books, or to buy them, go here.

To get in touch, email editor@dailyimpact.net

In the meantime, please join the discussion by commenting on the posts you like, or hate, the most. And thanks for visiting.

NOTE TO COMMENTERS: Comments are mediated, so spammers and trolls need not apply. Pretty much all others, agreeing or disagreeing, are welcome, but if the comment is not germane,  not civil, or if it subtracts from the sum total of human knowledge, it will be dematerialized.

Thomas A. Lewis, Editor

The Daily Impact

17 Responses to About The Daily Impact

  1. Thank you so much for the time and effort you must put into this site. I have been checking in regularly since I first discovered it. Many write about the environment as though it somehow existed outside of a corporation-dominated political system. It seems to me we need to replace our systems of power if we are to have any hope of saving our environment. The corporate elite and their supporters in government are madmen and they will not stop until they have everything — or until they are stopped.

    Thank you for what you do,


  2. mary suruma says:

    Just found your blog, what a gift. after i’ve done some more reading i’m sure i’ll chime in when i have something to add. At this point, i think of world problems as i used to think about my horses, “if I want another horse, how many more acres will i need to fence?” Hunters around here have a similar way of seeing it though i doubt many of them realize it, “if we don’t shoot the deer, they will over populate, over graze and starve.” Mother Nature, bitch that she can be, is not sentimental about her creatures; if they over populate, they starve. Capitalism, the mother of these dastardly coorperations that promote growth, growth, growth is not sentimental either. want to guess who wins?

    i’m going to buy your book as soon as i get some money in my checking account which i use only for ebay. just sent you a facebook friend request.

  3. CCGWebmaster says:

    Seems to me that far more people sit around and talk about or document our collapse – far far fewer try to take meaningful action?

    • SomeoneInAsia says:

      That’s because little meaningful action can be taken anymore, if by ‘meaningful action’ you mean doing something to prevent the collapse.

      On the other hand, we can warn individuals to prepare for the collapse by presenting the facts about it. That would surely count as one type of ‘meaningful action’ in which this blog is engaged.

  4. Just rambled into your website. Appreciate the level of realism, informed reflection, and judgement variously suspended — or not. Thought you might find this – http://www.rogetlockard.com/bwf/prologue.php – from my website above, of interest — along with its predecessor from the mid-’80s, here: http://www.rogetlockard.com/pdf/AlcoholicEarth.pdf

    Their underlying thesis grapples with the question, “If we’re so smart, why are we hastening to our doom?” The answer eschews blame and elevates human longing — while understanding how shortcuts to fulfillment are our downfall — as usual.

    Here’s one take on that:

    Craving & Longing

    When I am in my addictive consciousness,
    I don’t merely want the object
    of my craving; I want
    ‐ I cling to ‐
    the craving itself.


    For, while I confuse the object of my craving
    with fulfillment,
    the craving itself
    is confused with longing.


    And my being knows
    that longing is essential,
    and sacred.

    Thanks for being here.

  5. Lawrence Miller says:

    In The Fall of the Leaves, you refer to radioactive leaks from nuclear power plants harming trees. There is absolutely no radiation leakage from nuclear power plants that harms anyone or anything. That is simply a fact. The pouring of sulphur dioxide from coal fired power plants into our atmosphere

  6. Lawrence Miller says:

    Completing my input – SO2 from coal plants produces acid rain which is a major player in the harm to our forests.

  7. SomeoneInAsia says:

    I think we’ve gone way past the point where we can still compose pseudo-Haikus to indulge our idle fancies on the nature of things. Some practical advice on how to prepare for the coming mess ought to be a whole lot more helpful.

    Well, then again, perhaps we’ve finally reached the point where there’s really nothing we can do anymore besides compose pseudo-Haikus to indulge our idle fancies… (Shrugs.)

  8. Greg Knepp says:

    Vacation* is over, time to get back to work. Yep, I’m old and tired too, but I gotta’ keep on keeping on.
    * I guess you scholar types call it ‘sabbatical’. Well, whatever the hell you call it, time’s up – start typing!

  9. Greg Knepp says:

    Don’t make me come out there!

  10. Greg Knepp says:

    OK, I get it; with so little of import going on in the world lately, why bother to comment?

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